Aircon Chemical Servicing & Chemical Overhaul Singapore

Full List of Aircon Services in Singapore

We will handle all your aircon services in Singapore. We provide general aircon servicingaircon repairaircon installation, aircon chemical servicing and aircon contract servicing

Chan Brothers Aircon Singapore @  +65 6734 5868

Why Aircon Chemical Servicing & Chemical Overhaul ?

Why is aircon chemical servicing important? With prolong usage of our aircon, we often experience a drop in performance. Issues such as aircon not cold or too noisy are common problems faced by many aircon users. The reason for many of the problems is that dirt and dust are accumulated aircon filters and coil which makes your aircon work harder to produce similar performance.

With the help of professional aircon servicing technicians, with our aircon chemical servicing, we will first dismantle the entire aircon unit, using chemical solution, our technicians will do a thorough chemical overhaul to it. With a clean and dirt free aircon, the air flow will be smoother and the amount of condensation will reduce significantly.

A well cleaned aircon unit will be more efficient and consume less power to perform at it’s optimal level which will significantly reduce the your electrical bills and produce cleaner air.

Aircon Chemical Servicing & Chemical Overhaul Process

To ensure that your aircon is clean and dirt free, our professional technicians will use specialised aircon chemical solution to thoroughly wash your aircon.

These services includes:

Chemical Clean & Check Aircon Filter & CoverChemical Cleaning & Checking Indoor Cooling Coil
Flushing of Drainage SystemChemical Clean & Check Condenser Coil
Check Compressor Suction And Discharge PressureCheck And Lubricate Motor Bearing (if Necessary)

All services provided comes with 90 days aircon servicing warranty to ensure our customers a peace of mind and satisfaction assured.

What Types Of Aircon Can This Service Be Used?

For both aircon chemical servicing and aircon chemcial overhaul, this service can be done on all type of aircon. This service serves to ensure that thorough cleaning is done to the unit to ensure dirt and dust has been removed both on the exterior casing and interior of the fan coil.

Aircon Chemical Servicing & Chemical Overhaul Price

Aircon Chemical Washing Number of UnitsBest RateWarranty
(Dismantle partial parts during the cleaning process / Exclude Fan Coil)1 fan Coil Unit
80 nett per unit*90 days workmanship on scope of service only.
Aircon Chemical Overhaul ServicingNumber of UnitsBest RateWarranty
1 fan coil units140 nett
(Dismantle entire aircon unit during the cleaning process. Fan Coil Included)2 fan coil units130 nett per unit*90 days workmanship on scope of service only.
3 & above fan coil units120 nett per unit

Aircon Servicing Review